BOURBON DOLPHIN : inquiries and proceedings to date

On April 25th the Norwegian Maritime Directory opened a public Maritime Inquiry on the loss of the Bourbon Dolphin. It was held in Sunnmøre District Court, in Ålesund, and based on a public hearing of witnesses, was destined to determine the circumstances of the accident.

4 people gave evidence, 3 of whom were survivors:
- Geir Tore Syversen (lieutenant)
- Egil Atle Hafsäs (seaman)
- Per Jan Vike (seaman)
- Frank Reiersen (Captain of Bourbon Dolphin, who had been aboard the vessel 10 days before)
Other eye-witnesses (crew members of other ships present on the scene, rig staff, tow master…) were not interrogated by the Norwegian Maritime Directory. The inquiry produced an exhaustive transcription translated here in English
Normally the classic procedure for maritime inquiries in Norway is the responsibility of the Norwegian Maritime Directory.
However for the first time in Norway, and with a view to obtaining the most precise analysis of the disaster possible, the Ministry of Justice and Police set up a Special Governmental Commission reporting directly to the Minister Mr. Knut Storberget consisting of the following members:
- Lagdommer Inger Lyng, Leader of the Commission and Presiding judge.
- Guro Høyaas Løken, Specialist Engineer (a specialist marine engineer with Aker Kværner competent in marine and anchor handling operations)
- Gisle Fiksdal, Lodic AS Managing Director (specialist on stability and statistics)
- Dag Andreassen, Marine coordinator (Exxon Mobil Norway and UK, experience from marine operations, 12 yrs on vessels, as consultant/planner/administration of marine operation in relations to rig moves, towing, positioning and anchorage of rigs)
- Yngve Skovly (Police attorney).
This governmental Commission’s mandate is extremely wide and the inquiry will require several months’ investigation. The Commission’s report will be released on 1 st February 2008 latest.
The Bourbon Offshore Norway teams remain committed to working closely with the authorities.
We will keep you informed of any relevant information that becomes available.